To solve the issue of Terminator terminal emulator’s split screen divider having a transparent background, you can try the following steps:

In the Linux desktop environment, Terminator is a highly versatile terminal tool that allows for multiple horizontal and vertical splits of the current page. However, there is an issue where the divider between splits is transparent, which can sometimes make it difficult to distinguish between the split blocks.

If you want to use a solid color as the background for the split line, you can use the following method:


Edit Terminator source code file /usr/share/terminator/terminatorlib/ Please note that modifying this file requires root permissions.

Search background_type, this should be in about line 495。

            if profiles[profile]['background_type'] == 'transparent':
                bgalpha = profiles[profile]['background_darkness']

Replace these two lines with:

            if profiles[profile]['background_type'] == 'image':
                backgound_image = profiles[profile]['background_image']
            if profiles[profile]['background_type'] == 'transparent' or profiles[profile]['background_type'] == 'image':
                bgalpha = profiles[profile]['background_darkness']

Add a css file

Add a ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css file in the user’s home directory with the following content:

.terminator-terminal-window separator {
  background: #303030;